Pokemon Talk Wiki

Yveltal (pronounced Yahl-vul-tahl) is the Legendary "God of Death". He appeared as a guest in Episode 8 ''Danger''.


Yveltal, who is strict with how his name is pronounced, is tough on the outside, only because the position of a cover Legendary stressed him out with the pressure of appealing to others, causing him to exaggerate his deadly powers. When he is found out, he breaks down, showing his emotional side.


In Danger, his only appearance, he was the episode's guest. After this episode, he went on to open his own bakery, Yveltal's Strudel.


  • He is the first ever Legendary Pokémon to ever appear on Pokémon Talk.
  • The pronunciation of his name 'Yah-vel-tall' is a well-known meme on MandJTV's channel and the subreddit.
  • His line 'I just wanted to impress people.' is also frequently memed.
  • He became a Cameo in episode 10 in the dialogue Squirtle said "he appears to be fine actually he openned a bakery, Yveltal Strudel"